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"My acne scars and dark pigmented areas are lighter, my skin feels more firm, smile lines have softened and my glow is radiating! Vilót Face balm is my #1 most used product."

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"This stuff is amazing. I've tried everything and the glow you get is wonderful. I'm 51 and I'm already seeing a reduction in the lines around my lips and on my forehead and my age spots are fading. I'll be ordering more. I purchased the balm and the serum. LOVE." -Sara

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"thank you for this best ever product. i have had my set skin and shaved head regimen for years. oils always. your product popped up and i thought…hmmmm i have all of those ingredients and i use all of these oils, but this baby is in a roll up solid?! had to try. Thank you!"

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"It's been magical for my dark spots."

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Sonya B

"I've struggled with acne most of my life; since high school. After having my first child, my hormones went crazy and postpartum acne was a thing!

This face balm leaves my skin feeling moisturized...and with the benefits I’ve seen thus far, I’ve started to use it more generously. I’ve been using the face balm, twice a day, since the end of April and I have since a significant change in my skin.

My breakouts heal faster and my scarring is fading. I have also started to sleep with it on three/four times a week and it seems to be changing the texture and clarity of my skin.

Thank you for this all natural miracle product! Will def buy more soon!"

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"Using the face balm once a day for about 3 weeks has cleared up some intense acne scars (still a ways to go & evened out my reddish uneven skin tone but this was the first day I was able to notice definite progress!

Amazing products that nourish my skin & cruelty free... Thank you for giving my skin back!"

Hydrating Facial Serum

Vilot Skin Hydrating Facial Serum

Vilot Skin Hydrating Facial Serum


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