*Trigger Warning*
Picture a woman, standing in her bathroom, staring at her reflection. Her skin is broken out, dull, and showing fine lines—a stark contrast to her usual clear complexion. This moment, on her 32nd birthday, would become the catalyst for a transformative journey that would not only heal her skin but also her spirit.

My story begins with a dream of creating a product for pregnant women, a balm to preserve skin elasticity during pregnancy. Little did I know that this formulation would lead me down an unexpected path of personal and professional growth.

Life threw me two significant challenges in quick succession:

1. At my nine-week pregnancy appointment, instead of seeing a moving embryo, I was told my baby's gestation had stopped at 6 weeks. The pain was profound and unimaginable.

2. Weeks later, my skin erupted with deep acne and scarring—something I had never experienced before. Expensive creams and cleansers failed to restore my skin's health.

In my darkest moment, I turned inward. I began meditating deeply for many hours a day, seeking solace and answers. During this time, I also read Oprah's "A Path Made Clear," which resonated deeply with my soul-searching.

One day, while contemplating my skin issues, I remembered the pregnancy balm I had created. Each ingredient seemed to address my current skin concerns: wrinkles, acne, dullness. With nothing to lose, I decided to experiment.

For months, I used the balm on my face, documenting its effects on various skin issues. To my astonishment, my skin began to transform. It became flawless, glowing, and my laugh lines disappeared.

As friends and family began to use and repurchase the balm, seeing similar remarkable results, I realized I had stumbled upon something extraordinary. This was the moment I knew I had a product that could truly help people.

Through this journey, I discovered my purpose. The profound loss I experienced became the seed from which Vilót Skin grew. I realized that I felt my best when creating products that people love and that genuinely improve their lives.

This experience taught me the power of resilience, the importance of following unexpected paths, and the healing potential of pursuing a passion that helps others. I learned that sometimes our greatest challenges can lead us to our true calling.

Today, Vilót Skin stands as a testament to the transformative power of turning grief into purpose. We offer 100% natural, handcrafted products that are affordable, transparent, and effective.

My journey from loss to purpose has shaped not just a business, but a mission to bring out the best in people's skin and, by extension, their confidence and well-being. Every product we create is infused with the passion and care born from this deeply personal journey.

As Vilót Skin continues to grow, I remain committed to prioritizing customer satisfaction and creating products that truly make a difference. This journey has shown me that when we align our work with our deepest values and experiences, we can create something truly meaningful and impactful.


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Email: Jenn@vilotskin.com